As of today, my bill LD 1242, regarding oversight of the Maine Medical Marijuana Program has become law. The Governor had until midnight last night to veto the bill but she did not. Clearly our 117-25 vote in the House and 33-2 vote in the Senate had something to do with that, as did the bi-partisan nature of the vote. 

Thank you to all of my co-sponsors and a huge thank you to Susan Meehan and Arleigh Krause who worked the legislature for weeks before the vote. Likewise, thanks to all of the caregivers who gave up days to be at the Capitol so that they could engage the legislators and talk about the program. And, of course, a huge thank you to Rep. Patrick Corey who used his legislative skills to help us get an "ought to pass" vote out of Committee, Alysia Melnick, lobbyist (in the good sense) supreme, to Mark Barnett and the Maine Craft Cannabis Association, and to Paul McCarrier who has spent much more than a decade working to protect and improve the Maine Medical Marijuana Program. Love to you all....


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